Vaccines don't protect against diseases? A few arguments in favor of not vaccinating: the harm and danger of vaccinations for children Does the vaccine protect against disease

This article is controversial in a number of ways, but common sense abounds.
Please do not take it as a recommendation for action. The paragraph with the advertising of Levashov's sessions has been removed from the article,
which I personally consider somewhat dubious (akin to Kashpirovsky).

What can replace vaccinations?

It has already been proven that vaccinations do not protect against diseases, but only cripple people. But there are ways to protect against diseases without harm to the body ...

In reality, things with vaccinations are not at all the way they are presented to us by the media. Very briefly, the cause of the epidemics was unsanitary conditions in the cities. Unsanitary conditions are so terrible that sewage with a mass of bacteria and viruses got into drinking water. Epidemics were defeated by improved sanitation in the cities. And vaccinations initially could not raise immunity and carried only harm. The very idea of ​​protection against disease through vaccination was wrong. More people died from smallpox vaccination than from smallpox itself. But the idea of ​​mass vaccination was picked up by companies that produced bacteriological and chemical weapons. They used vaccination for mass forced sterilization in the so-called 3rd world countries. Behind these companies was the world government. The goal is the genocide of mankind - to leave the "Golden Billion", to destroy the rest of the people for their own money. And along the way, make people sicker and more addicted to drugs. And make money on mass vaccination and on drugs - in the treatment of diseases that have arisen after the use of vaccines.

For those who already know the truth about vaccinations, feel free to skip to the second part of the article "How to protect yourself and your children from diseases without harm." For those who believe that vaccinations are useful, it makes sense to read the article in full. Even the most terrible truth is better than a beautiful lie...
Vaccines do not protect against disease

Confirmation of the direct link between vaccinations and population decline can be found in 30 years of experience of Raisa Amanjolova .

Back in Soviet times, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Raisa Amanjolova proved a direct connection between the growth of a number of diseases that are often called the “plague of the 20th century” (allergic, cardiovascular, oncological, endocrine, etc.) with the use of mass vaccination.
The statistics cited by Amanjolova are impressive. So, it turned out that in the fifth generation of artificially immunized rabbits, no one lived to reproductive age, and in the fourth, 75% of the offspring died against 10.5% in the control group. In animals, the frequency of pregnancy complications, congenital deformities, and infertility in rabbits increased tenfold. A much earlier connection of males to courtship games, and an early extinction of sexual function, as well as aggressiveness and lack of milk in females, were observed. Similar symptoms in humans also have a strong tendency to increase.

During the experiment, it turned out, for example, that infertility in men is caused not only by the mumps disease itself, but also by vaccination with a live vaccine against it. And today we have so many infertility that almost every third couple cannot give birth. Prior to this vaccination, infertility was rare.

The AIDS epidemic began in Africa, where the third generation of vaccinated people first appeared. After all, it was there, in the colonies of France, that the branches of the Pasteur Institutes for the first time began to make mass vaccinations against smallpox, rabies and other diseases.

By the way, in Africa (!), in Nigeria, the local imam advocated not to vaccinate Muslim children at all, because they already know that vaccinations were the cause of AIDS.

Vaccinations - hidden chipization of the population
The production of vaccines with nanochips has already been launched, which are embedded in the human brain and through which it is possible to control the behavior, thoughts, emotional state of a person at a distance, and even kill him.

No vaccine is safe
No vaccine has been studied for immunological safety!

Doctors tried to make public that there are cases of severe consequences from vaccination, and they never received support from official authorities, the media, etc. The official attitude to vaccinations is known. And the attitude towards those individuals who are trying to express doubts about the expediency of these.

Reactions and complications are not only local and general, occurring immediately after vaccination in the coming days and weeks, but also delayed. And if they still know something about immediate reactions and complications, then practical doctors and “vaccinologists” do not even suspect about delayed complications.

There is not a single vaccine that would not affect brain cells due to the harmful chemical elements they contain.

Vaccines are poisons by definition
Vaccinations contain formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen (a substance that causes cancer). Mercury has a toxic effect on the nervous system and kidneys. Aluminum is a poison that causes Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia).

Vaccines for children are the cause of autism
Child psychiatrists have noted an increase in early childhood autism. This is one of the most severe sufferings, a disease extremely rarely observed before. In the forties there were 1 - 2 cases per 10,000 people of the population. Now it is already 20-30 cases per 10,000 people.

Autism was first described in 1942. A few years earlier, in 1938, timirosal (ethyl-mercury) appeared in vaccinations. Children were vaccinated, they grew up, and they were diagnosed with the disease.

Many scientists in the USA: Woods, Heylin, Braestreet, Adamson, etc., studied the earliest childhood autism and found that there is practically no difference between mercury poisoning and a symptomatic complex in childhood autism.

A child is injected with mercury in the first 3 hours of life - this is a hepatitis B vaccine, it is required by law to be vaccinated in the first 24 hours of life.

Girls have been shown to be less likely to develop autism because the female hormone estrogen promotes the elimination of mercury from the body. Therefore, girls are four times less likely to develop autism than boys.

Vaccines hurt children
Sometimes a stupefying impression is made by what a child turns into, who until 1-1.5 years old developed perfectly, sometimes even ahead of schedule, pleased others ... And suddenly, two or three weeks after vaccination, a ruin comes. He does not know how to speak, does not use the toilet, does not communicate, he has pseudo-deafness and pseudo-blindness. The impression is very heavy. And, alas, using logic, doctors conclude that autism developed as a result of this vaccination. Sometimes the child becomes silent.

When there are dozens of cases, and the whole picture is already known, the connection with the vaccine arises instantly without any doubt. This wave of diseases began in our country about 10 years ago and has been on the rise, especially in the last 3-5 years.

There is a lot of information that is simply not voiced in our country, hushed up and hidden. There is an epidemic of childhood autism in the US. That's 500,000 people, and 40,000 people get sick every year. This is a huge amount. 1 out of 250 people gets sick.

The DTP vaccine (against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) is very dangerous, which is administered three times to children under one year old. According to professor, virologist Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, "... it causes damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, kidneys, liver, heart, causes allergies."

Doctors know how harmful vaccinations are!
In January 2001, the president of the California nonprofit Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc. Jock Doubleday offered $20,000 to the first physician or pharmaceutical executive to publicly drink a mixture of the standard supplements found in most vaccines, the same amount that a six-year-old child was given according to the 2000 CDC guidelines.

This mixture will not contain the active principle of the vaccine - live or killed viruses or bacteria. It will include only standard vaccine additives in their usual forms and proportions.

For 6 years, no one drank this mixture. Then the amount of remuneration was first increased to $75,000, then, starting from June 1, 2007, the amount of remuneration increased monthly by $5,000 and reached $255,000, but in all these 10 years, not a single physician has drunk this mixture! Draw conclusions...

Vaccinations - Intentional Infection
Vaccinations often contain live viruses, which, bypassing all protective barriers, are injected directly into human blood. In fact, this is already a powerful biological attack. In real life, diseases are not transmitted in this way. After all, usually the infection must first pass through the protective barriers of the human body, such as the skin, mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, or the respiratory tract, or the genitourinary system.

It is especially important that already at the outer borders of the body there is a large "army" of cellular elements that have the ability to recognize "alien", interact with it, cause the death of the microorganism, remove the foreign agent from the body, and also give information to other immunocompetent cells so that the latter could prepare for defense in depth.

When vaccinated, the viruses enter directly into the bloodstream and, often, they are not destroyed by the immune system, but continue to live in the human body, mutate and multiply. In fact, instead of strengthening immunity, a person acquires another disease in a chronic form, which only weakens his immunity.

Statistics say vaccines are very harmful
Whooping cough, England. After reports leaked to the media about children killed and maimed by vaccination, mass refusals of vaccinations began in 1974-1978, the number of vaccinated children dropped sharply (from 80% to 30% on average, in some areas - up to 9%). Bought journalists began to inflate rumors about the epidemic of whooping cough. However, the dry statistics is as follows: in 1970-1971 there were 33,000 cases and 41 deaths, and in 1974-1975 - 25,000 cases and 25 deaths from whooping cough. This is despite the fact that vaccination coverage has decreased by almost three times, and in some areas by nine times.
Whooping cough, Germany. After a series of fatal complications, Hamburg abandoned the pertussis vaccine in 1962. In the 15 years after that, during which no vaccinations were given, hospital visits dropped by almost five times, and the number of complications also decreased. A dramatic improvement in sanitation is unlikely, as during the same time, the mumps grew six times.
Whooping cough, Holland. For many years, children have been vaccinated, the coverage is 96%, more than sufficient for all vaccination standards. Number of whooping cough cases by years - 1995-325, 1996-2778, 1997 (11 months) -3747. Those. vaccinations did NOT save from the growth of the disease.
Diphtheria, Russia, epidemic in the 1990s. Among the diseased, the proportion of those vaccinated is about 70%, which approximately coincides with the vaccination coverage of the population. Those. the vaccine did not protect against the disease ABSOLUTELY (the probability of getting sick is the SAME for vaccinated and unvaccinated!).
In Japan, after 37 DPT-killed babies in 1970-1974, a boycott and unrest began, as a result, vaccination was first completely canceled, and then postponed to two years of age. And Japan from 17th place in child mortality instantly became a country with the LOWEST child mortality in the WORLD ( DTP vaccination is ineffective. Historical and statistical evidence)

Vaccinated children get sick 5 times more often!
A recent large study confirms the results of other independent studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children. All of them show that vaccinated children get sick 2 to 5 times more often than unvaccinated children.
Mortality in children within 3 days after DTP vaccination is 8 times higher than in children who have not received the vaccine.
Children who receive the Hib vaccine are 5 times more likely to get Hib than those who have not been vaccinated.
80% of children with whooping cough before the age of 5 were fully vaccinated.
87% of polio cases in the US since 1970 have been caused by vaccinations.
90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to be vaccinated against rubella ( Children after vaccination get sick 5 times more often).

The vaccination calendar is a weapon of genocide
There is no such vaccination calendar as in Russia anywhere. The Japanese suffered many vaccinations from the age of 3, from 5, etc. And the Germans were generally surprised to see the vaccination calendar - “Is this all for one child? How are you even alive?”

The National Immunization Schedule includes prophylactic vaccinations against hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis, mumps, Haemophilus influenzae and influenza.

All these vaccines are made in large quantities to people, despite the fact that, for example, hepatitis B is transmitted only through blood. And for DPT and polio vaccinations, the most serious post-vaccination complications occur, which, not surprisingly, are spelled out in the legislation.

Despite the fact that pediatricians are instilled with a point of view about the complete safety of vaccination, which does not reflect reality at all. The district doctor was ordered - he gives an injection - just by order. Doctors have already turned, indeed, into officials. Many doctors understand perfectly well that it is impossible to do a vaccination. Also, many doctors do not vaccinate their children. And even more so, the criminals are doctors who vaccinate weakened children. And people were simply inspired: he injected himself and went.

Vaccination is the transfer of a minor disease. Children, starting from the maternity hospital and ending at the age of 18, are always in a state of minor illness precisely because of the vaccination schedule. A child under 2 years of age receives 10 or more vaccinations. And interestingly, from the same disease receives three or more vaccinations. And this is despite the fact that the immunity of the child is still in the formation stage.

In all countries, vaccinations against tuberculosis, hepatitis, influenza, etc. are done only in risk groups! In Russia, these vaccinations are included in the planned calendar. Nowhere else are children stuffed against tuberculosis and hepatitis like this, only in our country and in African countries, such as Nigeria, and even then, they already say that they themselves will decide when and how to vaccinate children. ( Vaccines are biological weapons).

Doctors are rewarded for vaccinations
Ranging from district pediatricians and ending with fairly high medical ranks in health care and education, vaccination seems to be a kind of mandatory procedure, although it is not one. When parents come to the pediatrician for a vaccination and dare to ask a question, they can hear anything in response - from lies to the most selective rudeness.

Why? There is a practice when doctors are paid extra for vaccination coverage. It's not a secret, no matter how scary it sounds. They are not paid extra for the correct diagnosis, for the fact that there are fewer patients at the site. They are not paid extra for the fact that they detected the disease in time. No, they are rewarded precisely for the universal coverage of vaccination, which has nothing to do with health.

Moreover, for violating the vaccination schedule, for parents refusing to vaccinate, district doctors are punished financially: they are not paid bonuses and they are deprived of other material benefits. And since doctors' salaries are low, the deprivation of bonuses for vaccinations significantly hits the doctor's pocket ...

Vaccines are big business
In this general disgrace, it is already clear that the companies producing vaccines have won.

Vaccinations are big business - state and multinational corporations. Who are not responsible for anything and who are not interested in the good health of you and your children!

Vaccines are a method of genocide
There is a global lie, and our officials are involved in this. This is aggression against one's own people.

The most basic right that any person and the parent of a child can refuse vaccinations is hushed up.

Anyone can opt out of vaccinations
In Russia, vaccinations for children are not required by law. They can only be made at will. Refusal to accept unvaccinated children in kindergartens and schools is a violation of the law!

You need to know this, because often doctors are silent about this. How silent about the possible consequences of vaccinations - severe complications and death.

Now the situation is changing and some parents already have knowledge. Thinking parents come to the hospital prepared. But, unfortunately, there are very few such people.
How to protect yourself and your children from diseases without harm to the body

Lead a healthy lifestyle
No alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs, even on holidays!

Any drugs are very damaging to human health. Read more about how terribly alcohol and cigarettes destroy a person and how to get rid of addiction to them.

In particular, the protective functions of the body are greatly affected by drugs. And a person who smokes or drinks - even if moderately and only on holidays, will have weaker immunity than if he did not use these poisons.

Weakened immunity protects a person from infections and viruses worse. Therefore, a person gets sick more often.

Therefore, if you completely stop using cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs, after a while your body will recover and immunity will be strengthened - the risk of getting sick will decrease.

If you lead a sober and healthy lifestyle, these poisons will also bypass your children, as children usually repeat what their parents do.

Eat only natural healthy food
Human health is highly dependent on what he eats. Try to eat only natural foods. Avoid foods containing GMOs and chemical additives .

It is also important to understand that in most cases, diets are harmful, because by refusing some of the products, you will not receive the substances necessary for your body. The same situation with vegetarianism, raw food diet, etc.

We need to eat not what someone imposes on us, but what the body requires.

If a person eats only natural varied food, his body receives most of the substances it needs. The immunity of such a person works much better than that of someone who eats food with gmo, preservatives and other poisons.

Do active sports in nature
Jogging, roller skating, skiing, cycling, swimming, walking with sticks and other active sports are very good for improving health. The main thing is to approach this issue without excessive fanaticism and not exhaust yourself with training. After class, there should be a feeling of joy and lightness, and not heaviness and severe fatigue.

An important factor here is contact with nature. You probably noticed how your mood improves while jogging (or after) through the forest? This forest, with its powerful biofield, cleanses of all negativity…

Proper hardening very well strengthens the immune system. But in order to begin to harden a person must be completely healthy! Otherwise, hardening can do more harm than good. Also, you don’t need to immediately rush into the hole or go out in shorts at -25 degrees below zero. You should know that Porfiry Ivanov's system turned out to be harmful for most people.

It is enough just to stand a little under cold water at the end of the morning shower.

It is best to start with cool water and pour over only the soles of the feet. Then, as the body gets used to the cold, every day increase the part of the body that is poured with water. And after a while you will get used to pouring yourself completely.

It is easiest to start hardening in the summer when the house is hot. If you live in a private house, then it is better to pour water on the street, standing barefoot on the ground. Hardening is a good remedy for immunity! And most importantly - everything in moderation!

Regularly go to the bath
Russian bath with a broom is not only an ancient tradition of our ancestors, but also a very healthy activity!

Scientists have found that at a body temperature of 39C and above, most infections in the body die. In the bath, the temperature of the human body is heated to 40C. Also, together with sweat, toxins and slags come out.

Eat garlic regularly
Raw garlic is very good at killing infections. If you eat 2 cloves of garlic a week, then this will protect you well from infectious diseases.

Constantly consume mushroom extracts
mushroom extracts- a brilliant invention of the outstanding Russian scientist Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. Thanks to the generator he developed, these extracts not only increase immunity, but also help the body get rid of a variety of problems.

It is no secret that modern parents in relation to are divided into two camps. Some sincerely believe in the benefits of vaccination and consider it a salvation from most of the dangerous known to mankind, while others are convinced that over time it turns into a real disaster and can provoke the development of very sad consequences in the child's body.

The adsorbed pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria vaccine is designed to develop immunity against three infectious diseases at once (, and). To form a long-term immune response, the serum must be administered to the child four times during the first 1.5 years of his life.

DTP vaccine

Skeptics do not believe in the safety of this drug, based on the results of its testing, according to which, after the introduction of the solution, the risk of developing increases.

In addition, the vaccine against papillomatosis is a new immune drug, the effect of which on the body remains not fully understood.

The safest vaccines

Today, the safest are inactivated and killed vaccines that do not contain weakened, but live pathogens of infectious diseases.

It is these solutions that are characterized by low reactogenicity and quite rarely lead to the development of post-vaccination complications.

For example, the risk of post-vaccination poliomyelitis after injection is zero, compared with injection cases where the disease is diagnosed at a rate of 1:40,000.

Common myths about the dangers of immunization

Modern immunologists deny the harm of vaccination and insist on the mass vaccination of all children, which, in their opinion, will make it possible to eradicate a number of the most dangerous infections around the globe.

The most common myths about the dangers of immunization include:

  • the myth that vaccinations cause complications in every second vaccinated baby (the frequency of the consequences of immunization is 1 case per several thousand children);
  • the myth of the detrimental effect on the liver (in fact, the vaccine is not capable of provoking a violation of the structure or functionality of the organ, but, on the contrary, protects it from the penetration of viral agents);
  • the myth about the connection of vaccines with the development of autism (there is no scientific evidence for this belief of many);
  • the myth that natural immunity is better than grafted immune protection (both variants of the immune response provide long-term and effective protection of the child's body from infectious diseases).

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About the benefits and dangers of vaccination in the video:

Whether or not to believe in the harm and benefit of vaccinations is up to the parents themselves. Today, the right to refuse vaccination is regulated at the legislative level and applies to absolutely all citizens of our country, regardless of age and social status.

Every year the calendar of preventive vaccinations is replenished with new vaccines. Do they protect against disease? Why do many parents refuse to vaccinate their children? These questions are answered by Elena Orlovskaya, pediatrician, naturopath.

In April 2006, about 200 Ukrainian children were admitted to hospitals with a temperature of 38-40°C, nausea, rash, headache and pain in the eyes. The strongest remained in schools and kindergartens - 3-4 people in a group. These cases coincided in time with tuberculin diagnostics in children (). At first, there was a version that the possible reason was a poor-quality vaccine. But a few days later, officials denied this assumption, saying that such a reaction to the test was due to the fact that at the time of vaccination the children could be in the incubation stage of the disease, but signs of the disease had not yet appeared. Soon, almost all the opinions of opponents of this version disappeared from the Internet. And the children were discharged home in a “satisfactory condition”.

Let's hit hepatitis B with mercury!

In 2006, the Ministry of Health provides for an increase in funding for the immunization program by UAH 70 million. (total UAH 177 million). Every year, new vaccines appear on the market of medical preparations in Ukraine: 3 years ago, a mandatory vaccination against the hepatitis B virus was introduced, since 2006, vaccination against hemophilic infection has been included in the preventive vaccination calendar, and a special vaccine against is being prepared. How justified is the introduction of new vaccines?

« Hepatitis B is most common among sexually promiscuous people and among those who deal with blood products or take intravenous drugs., - says Elena Orlovskaya, a pediatrician with many years of experience. - It is not clear what this has to do with infants who, on the very first day of life, are injected with a hepatitis B vaccine containing. And this vaccination is repeated 3 times! It is also harmful to a healthy baby, not to mention sick children. Toxic mercury compounds cause damage to the liver and nervous system, and it is contained in most vaccines as a preservative! Many doctors agree that diseases of the first year of life (ARI, diathesis, dysbacteriosis) are nothing more than mercury poisoning of the body. Doesn't even protect breastfeeding! The Apgar score (it is done immediately after birth) does not allow you to accurately determine whether the child will withstand such a blow! In addition, women are often treated with hormones and antibiotics both before and during pregnancy. Children of such mothers will be especially sensitive to a foreign vaccine.».

An experiment on children?

According to the Internet resource, in recent years there has been a rapid increase in cases of a mental disorder that is difficult to treat, in which the child begins to regress, loses touch with reality, and eventually becomes aggressive and even dangerous. Stunning statistics: in England, the USA and Canada, this disease is now diagnosed in one in 100-150 children! Meanwhile, 60 years ago, no one had heard of autism.

In addition, studies show that cases are unknown among unvaccinated children! What's the matter? Many experts associate violations of the child's psyche with poisoning by mercury compounds, which abound in vaccination vaccines (it gives the most complications). Of course, as a result of poisoning, it does not always develop: the body of most children removes mercury on its own.

In the United States, the problem of child poisoning is now openly spoken about - a large-scale campaign has already been launched there for a complete ban on vaccinations with mercury compounds. As a result, the CIS countries, in particular Russia and Ukraine, are becoming an accessible market for poisonous vaccines. Now our newborns are vaccinated against hepatitis B on the first day of life. There is also a national "achievement": a few days later, all babies are vaccinated against tuberculosis. they do not do it anywhere in the world, except for the post-Soviet countries: the leading states of the world have long abandoned the vaccination of infants with live tuberculosis vaccines and. Such a shock dose of toxins turns, at best, into long-term allergic diseases and a general decrease in immunity.

The immune system must work!

« All diseases are divided into those that accelerate development, and those that inhibit it.- says Elena Viktorovna. - The latter include some especially dangerous infections. But most of the childhood diseases that we recklessly try to protect a child from with vaccinations are actually good for his immunity! Measles, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, with the right attitude towards them, do not give any terrible complications. It is well known that a non-functioning organ atrophies - in order to strengthen, the child's immunity must work! With an increase in temperature, which accompanies all viral infections, the metabolic rate accelerates - and all toxins, as it were, are "melted" from the body. If the child himself becomes ill with some kind of illness, his body will develop a specific individual immunity to this particular pathogen. Moreover, this immunity will be persistent - that is, it will provide the child with protection for the rest of his life. And after vaccination, the immunity is unstable: the disease against which the vaccine was made may occur at a more mature age. But adults suffer from childhood diseases much harder! We are now seeing such a picture with measles - this year there was an outbreak of the so-called mitigated measles in people aged 20-30 who were vaccinated against this disease twice in childhood (a year and at 6 years old)! In addition, during the first year of life, all the most important systems of the body develop, designed to ensure health for the rest of life, and the child's immunity is formed. And external medical intervention in this case can only do harm. An alternative to vaccinations and allopathic treatment can be hardening, methods of natural medicine: homeopathy, reflex and herbal medicine, significantly alleviate the course of diseases without harming the immune system. At a minimum, vaccination should not be "planned", but individual - taking into account the state of health and genetic predisposition of each individual child».

Choice without choice?

In many foreign countries, at the birth of a baby, a study of umbilical cord blood is carried out in order to identify a hereditary predisposition to certain diseases, after which a so-called. genetic and immunological passports of the baby. And weakened children are not vaccinated at all or postponed until the moment when the baby's condition is completely stabilized. In our country, the immunological card of the baby is not done in any state maternity hospital!

But we also have achievements that parents should know about. To prevent the baby from being vaccinated in the first days of life, you need to write an appropriate application upon admission to the maternity hospital. This does not mean complete - they can be done later, but the parents will have time to make sure that everything is in order with the baby. It turns out that in Ukraine there is freedom of choice? Alas, so far only formally: an unvaccinated child will not be admitted to a kindergarten or school - the state carefully takes care of “mass coverage of the population with vaccination”. And there is no clear explanation why this is happening. It would seem that getting into a group of children who have been vaccinated, just an unvaccinated baby is at risk of getting infected.

Today, immunologists say that before vaccination, it is necessary to correctly assess the state of health of the child. Parents should have full information about contraindications and possible consequences and be clearly aware that the responsibility for the life of their baby lies not with the doctor, not with the state, but with their conscience.

Poison cocktail?

Ready-made vaccines contain highly toxic substances. There are no studies proving the safety of these components in vaccines (however, as well as official statistics of complications after vaccination).

Formaldehyde (formalin) is a carcinogen that causes severe kidney damage, angioedema, asthma, skin rashes, and rhinopathy.

Phenol often leads to weakness, convulsions, kidney damage and heart failure.

Aluminum salts have a destructive effect on brain tissue, often causing allergic skin reactions.

Mercury is, in fact, a poison to the tissues of the brain, kidneys and liver. By the way, the symptoms and poisoning with mercury compounds are 99% identical!

I am for a thoughtful attitude to vaccinations!

Thanks to vaccination, mankind has managed to stop diseases such as smallpox,. I agree that childhood illnesses for the most part do not carry serious complications. However, now many parents do not send their children to kindergarten. As a result, the baby's circle of communication with peers is not so wide - an unvaccinated child may not get sick with childhood ailments in the first years of life. And if the virus overtakes such a person in adulthood, the consequences can be tragic. Boys who have been ill with mumps at puberty often become infertile. For a pregnant woman, rubella is fraught with fetal death. I believe that a healthy (!) child can be given all vaccinations (an exception, in my opinion, may be vaccination against hepatitis B). However, it is very important to focus on the well-being of the baby. Even a banal intestinal disorder, painful teething or lethargy and apathy of the baby should stop parents. Wait until at least 2 weeks have passed since the complete recovery of the child.

Shortly after a severe reaction to a routine vaccination, Egor was diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis. Now the parents are making every effort to get their 5-year-old son to at least start talking.

The birth was difficult, the waters that had broken were green, - recalls Galina, the boy's mother. - When Yegorka was born, he had a huge hematoma, strange spots on his eye and leg. Doctors quickly treated the hematoma, and literally an hour later my boy was injected with a vaccine. Then I trusted the doctors, and I had no doubts about the correctness of their actions. Now, armed with experience, I understand: such symptoms should have been a direct contraindication to vaccination! Meanwhile, we were soon discharged home.

Terrible diagnosis

When Yegor was 2.5 months old, I noticed that he began to freeze in a strange way: he moves his arms and legs, and then suddenly freezes for a few seconds in an absurd pose. I showed my son to the district neurologist: “Mommy, what are you worried about? You have a wonderful boy! Obviously, he just lacks calcium - take some.” With peace of mind, I followed the doctor's recommendations. My son was vaccinated at 3 months. And then it started! The fading turned into convulsive attacks, the child seemed to roll back in his development, stopped holding his head ... Naturally, we panicked, rushed to look for the best doctors. To relieve convulsions, we were prescribed medication, which caused the boy to vomit terribly! The "luminaries" only shrugged their hands: "This is how the disease proceeds." And at the same time, our medical card read: “The child develops according to age”!

When Yegor was four months old, he finally underwent a comprehensive examination of the brain and found ... calcifications. Doctors diagnosed him with tuberous sclerosis and continued to prescribe drugs to the child, which only made him worse. And I realized: it's time to end communication with official medicine! I turned to a homeopath, who explained to me that vaccinations could well have been the impetus for the development of the disease. Treatment by that doctor was not effective - convulsive seizures did not go away. It took more than 2 years for us to find "our" doctor, also a homeopath.

Two months - with a high temperature

We got to the appointment with Vladimir Ivanovich in an incredibly serious condition. At 2 years and 10 months old, Yegorka could not stand or sit, but only lay motionless, looking at one point! The child did not speak at all, but screamed heart-rendingly - often and for a long time. Convulsive seizures were repeated up to 15 times a day. The doctor warned that the treatment would be long and difficult, but Yegor had a chance to become socially adapted. That day the homeopath gave us only one grain of the remedy. Immediately after taking it, the veil literally fell from my son's eyes: for the first time in a long time, he looked at us with a meaningful look. After 2 weeks, the child spat out the pacifier, but before that, without a pacifier, he whimpered and was capricious), over time he began to walk, even chant whole syllables. But a new challenge awaited us.

One day, my son suddenly had a fever that did not subside for several weeks. Although I knew that in homeopathy aggravation is the norm, indicating that healing processes have begun, it was very difficult for me. The homeopath, together with us, was on duty at Egor's bed for days. On some days the temperature rose to 41°C, but we firmly adhered to the decision not to bring it down with medicines. And they were rewarded for their courage: soon the crisis passed, and the convulsions disappeared completely!

I am not afraid of the future

I look forward to the day when Yegor will say the word "mom" for the first time. A rehabilitator and a defectologist work with my son, thanks to such an integrated approach, he has noticeably grown stronger. I really believe that Yegorka will continue to communicate with her peers, grow up to be a kind person (one of the consequences of tuberous sclerosis is bouts of unmotivated aggression). There is no resentment against doctors in my heart for a long time. Gone are the exhausting thoughts about what would have happened if we hadn’t vaccinated Yegor. There is a given: a disease - and you need to learn how to live with it, and the most fulfilling life. And then, perhaps, the terrible disease will recede. This hope helps me not to give up.”

Vaccinations are the norm in Norway

In Norway, vaccination is completely voluntary, parents themselves decide whether to vaccinate their child. However, 90% of Norwegians prefer to vaccinate their children: it's safer that way.

I was born and raised in Ukraine, and I came to Norway for work, - says Evgenia, mother of two-year-old Kasper. - Fell in love, got married and stayed in this country forever. Having become pregnant, she became actively interested in the Norwegian system of obstetrics and healthcare. Natural childbirth in the presence of a husband is in the order of things here. Doctors try to interfere as little as possible in the process of childbirth. At the request of the woman, an acupuncturist, a pool and a chair for vertical delivery were at her service, and during contractions I was offered to refresh myself with compote and a sandwich. My husband was by my side all the time, gave me massages, said encouraging words - his support meant a lot to me. Kasper was born healthy, and after 3 days we were discharged home.

Medical examination - 3 times a year

In Norway, the health visitor examines the child at home only once. After returning home, it is supposed to call her once a month, to consult on some issues regarding the health of the baby. If something is wrong with the child, you need to contact the family doctor who treats your entire family. In general, it seemed to me that in Norway, doctors are not so reverent about their patients, as, for example, in Ukraine. A therapist from a state polyclinic does not come to a sick child’s house (you need to call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital on your own), a family doctor is not always able to make a correct diagnosis at an early stage. During the first year of life, routine examinations by a pediatrician occur only three times: at 3, 6 and 12 months. Therefore, after consulting, my husband and I decided to give our boy all vaccinations.

Individual approach

Warm scarves - taboo

Of course, we do not rely only on vaccinations - we try to strengthen the child's immunity, first of all, by natural methods. Despite the fact that we live on the coast, where cold winds often blow, Casper is not particularly wrapped up. In the mornings we pour cool water over, we regularly go to the pool with the baby. We teach healthy food: in Norway it is customary to eat wholemeal bread, cheese, vegetables, seafood. During my last visit to Ukraine, I bought homeopathic medicines for emergency care, for example, for a runny nose or sore throat. Norwegians usually do not treat a cold: if after 3 days it does not go away on its own, they go to the doctor. By the way, my husband's relatives were surprised by my knowledge in the field of traditional medicine (banal herbs, compresses, inhalations - it seemed to me that everyone knew this). I hope that the combination of the latest medical developments and proven folk remedies for centuries will help our son to continue to remain strong and full of strength.

Our daughter is healthy without vaccinations!

The issue of vaccinations for little Nastya was not even discussed at the family council. The opinion of the parents was unequivocal: the natural development of the child and drug intervention in his body are incompatible things.

We started preparing for the birth of our daughter long before this event, Lena and Slava recall. – After listening to stories about hospital births, we realized that this is not our option (we are engaged in spiritual self-improvement, we lead a healthy lifestyle). Fate brought us together with a wonderful spiritual midwife, who helped Nastya to be born: at home, without fear and pain. We remember this day as the most wonderful holiday in our lives. We did not wash off the original lubricant from the baby (it performs a protective function), the umbilical cord was cut only when it completely stopped pulsing (after 3 hours), we immediately put the baby to the breast (colostrum "populates" the child's body with maternal antibodies). Such a natural approach initially worked for the comprehensive maintenance of children's immunity (unlike many maternity hospital children, Nastya not only did not lose weight in the first days of her life, but also got stronger).

In the past two years, new epidemics have covered the world due to the refusal of vaccinations: unvaccinated people become infected with highly contagious infections like measles with a 100 percent probability.

Bella Bragvadze:“I can say that the anti-vaxxers that I come across on social networks, one way or another, have material benefits. They write programs about how to remove toxins after vaccination, offer certain treatments - they do all this for a fee. That is, they sell consultations for money, some medicines, most often homeopathy, remedies that do not have an evidence base, useless or even dangerous methods of treatment. As a result, all this movement results in some kind of material benefit. And I think this is the main reason. I'm not into conspiracy theories, I think it's much simpler - it's business."

Can there really be complications from vaccinations?

Single complications of vaccinations occur, as well as complications of any medications that many people take every day, but the likelihood of such a development of events is extremely low.

Statistically, the risks from vaccinations are much less than the risks from the diseases themselves and their side effects.

WHO has developed a special document that collects the risks from modern vaccines and diseases for three infections. For example: measles encephalitis after vaccination occurs in 1,000,000 cases of vaccination, and measles encephalitis after measles occurs once in 2,000 cases. The risks are simply incomparable. The fear of modern vaccinations is irrational - like the fear of flying in an airplane, but at the same time driving a car and knowing that the risk of death from an accident is thousands of times higher.

There is another point: most often there are mild complications from vaccinations, for example, in the form of temperature. Severe complications are extremely rare. For example, for BCG, the most common is pustules at the injection site. If you look at the consequences of tuberculosis in newborns, for example, tuberculous meningitis, which is much more likely to occur, an abscess seems to be nothing at all.

As a rule, serious side effects of vaccines are associated either with the individual characteristics of the child, or with health problems that the doctor did not notice. Therefore, it is more far-sighted to choose a good doctor, and not to refuse vaccinations.

In addition, now in most cases you can choose: to give the child a live vaccine or inactivated, domestic or imported. Risks vary from type to type.

For example, in most imported DTP vaccines includes the acellular component of whooping cough. The difference is that, according to the WHO, whole cell vaccines are more likely to cause mild to moderate reactions, such as pain at the injection site. Otherwise, imported and domestic vaccines equally reliably protect against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria and equally rarely cause severe adverse reactions.

And if you take polio vaccines, then a live vaccine is extremely rare, but can cause vaccine-associated poliomyelitis - this happens in about 2 cases per million vaccinated children. But if you use an inactivated polio vaccine, then only erythema (0.5-1%), tissue thickening (3-11%) and soreness (14-29%) are among the complications. A live vaccine gives more stable immunity, but if there is a fear of a live virus, it is worth vaccinating an inactivated one, it will still protect the child by 95% if vaccinated at an early age.

Do not be afraid of the simultaneous administration of several vaccines, it does not harm the body. We live in a non-sterile environment, and every day millions of microbes enter the body - far more than vaccines contain.

Konnov Danila Sergeevich:“Side effects from modern vaccines can only occur if the vaccination rules are violated. For example, an incorrectly chosen injection site, an incorrect injection technique, the use of expired vaccines. Also, in the absence of anti-shock aids at the injection site, that is, in the case of an acute allergic reaction, the patient cannot stop it. And when vaccinated with live vaccines of people with acute infectious diseases or exacerbations of chronic ones.

What is herd immunity and why weakening it is dangerous for everyone

For example, natural chicken pox can lead to pneumonia.

Natural polio infection can cause permanent paralysis.

Natural mumps infection can lead to deafness.

Natural infection with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) can cause permanent brain damage.

Vaccination helps prevent these diseases and their potentially serious complications.

What vaccinations should be given to children and adults in Russia

Bella Bragvadze:“There is a difference in the views of the Ministry of Health of different countries. In the United States or in European countries, the medical community has a simpler attitude to vaccination, where the vaccination schedule includes more vaccines. In these countries, children are very actively vaccinated already in the first years of life, the vaccination schedule is constantly expanding. We are now also expanding the list of mandatory vaccines to protect children from a maximum of infections.

Even if some vaccine is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations, residents of Russia can be vaccinated with additional vaccines registered in the Russian Federation of their own free will and in agreement with their doctor. That is, you can expand your calendar, and this is not prohibited, but even welcomed.

When Not to Vaccinate

A list of contraindications to vaccination can be found in the guidelines of Rospotrebnadzor, in each case, you need to consult a doctor. Contraindications differ for inactivated vaccines and live vaccines.

In addition to permanent, there are temporary contraindications: acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic ones. In this case, vaccinations are given after recovery or during remission.

Bella Bragvadze:« There are clear contraindications for vaccination: temporary, absolute or permanent. A good example of a temporary contraindication is SARS - while we are sick, we are not vaccinated, we recovered and continued vaccination. An example of an absolute contraindication - for children with primary immunodeficiency, vaccination with live vaccines is strictly contraindicated for life. Each vaccine has its own list of contraindications. If there are contraindications, a medical exemption from vaccination is issued. Unfortunately, in my practice I often encounter false medical exemptions that are not justified.

In addition, the rules for administering the vaccine are clearly described: the conditions under which vaccination is carried out; injection site; method of administration (intramuscularly or subcutaneously), etc. These rules must be followed in order for the vaccination to be successful.

Deciding whether or not to vaccinate yourself and your children - each person accepts. But it’s good if it is based on reliable information, and not on unproven facts and false news. After all, the life and health of all 7 billion inhabitants of the globe depend on how many people will eventually be protected from infections.